Netflix – STS Terms of Use

Upon signing up for Netflix Premium, in addition to the general terms of use set out, subscribers/users agree to the following:

  • Do not stream more than what he/she has subscribed to (e.g. one (1)).
  • Profile name must be correctly identify you – strictly no obscene or crude profile name.
    The following format of profile name is valid:
    • Share the Sub username
    • Share the Sub displayname
    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • Initials (e.g. Name is Thomas Ong, you may change to TO)
  • Should there be a violation or complaints from co-subscribers that they are unable to stream due to max concurrent stream reached, we will investigate and if necessary, issue warning to the violator.
  • We also reserve the right to terminate the violator’s subscription with immediate effect should there be a repeat complaint and there shall be no refunds for the remaining of the subscription period.

Restricted Content (Rated movies and TV shows) PIN:


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